Brookhaven Town Republican Committee

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L.I. Simply Can’t Afford Monica Martinez 

Brookhaven Town Republicans: L.I. Simply Can’t Afford Monica Martinez 

If the Democrat Candidate for State Senate Voted to Enact $100 Million in Back Door Tax Hikes, What’s Going to Stop Her and NYC Liberals from Bringing Back the MTA Payroll Tax and More 


Medford, NY - Jesse Garcia, Leader of the Brookhaven Town Republican Committee, issued the following statement in regards to the fiscally and ethically compromised Democrat candidate for State Senate, Legislator Monica Martinez: 

"Let's be honest, Monica Martinez has not seen a fee hike she hasn’t embraced. As taxpayers, homeowners and small business-owners, we all know that fee is another word for  tax. In her 5 years in office, Monica Martinez has either approved or imposed fees that have taken over $100-million out of the pockets of Suffolk residents. 

“The last time we had a Democrat representing us in the State Senate with a tax and spend record like Monica Martinez, corrupt New York City liberals stuck all of us with the MTA Payroll Tax and billions in new taxes and fees like Salt Water Fishing fees.

“Monica Martinez will cost us more than just taxes, our State Senate seat holds back abortions until birth. Can we really afford to allow Andrew Cuomo to have a super-majority?

“Monica Martinez has already hammered with us with red light camera fees, the mortgage recording fees, the nickel bag fee, the false alarm fee...the list goes on and on. We simply cannot afford these backdoor tax hikes, we cannot afford Monic Martinez’s sneaky tax hikes, we cannot afford a morally bankrupt Senator. It’s no wonder Monica Martinez was hand picked by corrupt Andrew Cuomo to run for state senate. He needs a partner in keeping his corrupt pay-for-play syndicate going in Albany.”