Brookhaven Town Republican Committee

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The SINGLE BEST Closing Argument for All of Us to VOTE REPUBLICAN This Election Day

My Fellow Brookhaven and Suffolk County Residents,

With this critical election just about two weeks away, this presentation is by far the best Closing Argument regarding the IMPORTANCE for ALL of US - neighbors and friends, alike - to VOTE REPUBLICAN on Election Day, November 6th!

The very immediate and long term future of our neighborhoods, Town, State and Nation are in our hands. It truly is up to each and every one of Us to prosecute this Closing Argument against the New York City Radical Left agenda that will rob us all of our prosperity, security and future.

It’s incumbent up us all to Vote Republican – from Marc Molinaro to Governor; Lee Zeldin for Congress; Dean Murray for State Senate; straight through to our three GOP District Court Judges – by SHARING this video on your personal Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+ ALL Social Media Platforms RED!

Access the Link by Clicking the button below. 

View. Like. Share. Vote Republican. 

Together, we will protect our communities; ensure our future prosperity and security by turning ALL Social Media: VOTE RED this NOVEMBER! 

Thank You!

- Jesse Garcia, Chairman